b) Members whose names are recorded in the register of members as on the cut-off date shall cast their vote
at the meeting on basis of their shareholding in the company;
c) In case the counting of votes requires time, the said meeting may be adjourned and called later to declare
the result.
G. How to conduct voting by poll / postal ballot?
a) Voting here shall take place by way of e-mail given by the company;
b) Company shall provide a designated email address to all members at the time of sending the notice of
c) The confidentiality of the password and other privacy issues associated with the designated email address
shall be strictly maintained by the company at all times;
d) Due safeguards concerning the authenticity of email address(es) and other details of the members shall
also be taken by the company;
e) During the meeting, the members shall cast their vote on the resolutions only by sending emails through
their email addresses which are registered with the company. The said emails shall only be sent to the
designated email address circulated by the company at the time of issuance of notice;
f) With respect to postal ballot, since notices / forms will be sent through e-mail only in accordance with
General Circular dated April 13, 2020, the requirement to send "postage prepaid reply envelope" will not
g) In case the counting of votes requires time, the said meeting may be adjourned and called later to declare
the result.
5. Process to be followed post holding EGM:
A. Role of scrutinizer and the company post meeting:
a) Where a scrutinizer is appointed by the Board of Directors, he shall, immediately after the conclusion of
voting at the general meeting, first count the votes cast at the meeting, thereafter unblock the votes cast
through remote e-voting and submit, not later than three days of conclusion of the meeting, a