
Swift e-Bulletin


Edition 25/20-21

Week – January 04th to January 08th  

Quote for the week:

“You who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; you who would achieve much must sacrifice much; you who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly.”

  - James Allen


We welcome you to our weekly newsletter!

The ‘Swift e-Bulletin’ - weekly newsletter, covers all regulatory updates and critical judgements passed during the week. We hope that you liked our previous editions and found it to be of great value in its content. We want this newsletter to be valuable for you so, please share your feedback and suggestions to help us improve.

In the wake of COVID-19, the various regulatory authorities have been granting many relaxations, exemptions and amendments to the various legislations by regulatory authorities to ease out the operations during this time of crisis.

Further, various regulatory authorities have been proactive in bringing significant regulatory changes in recent challenging times. This week’s newsletter covers various Circulars/notifications issued by certain regulatory authorities such as, The Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”), the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) and the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (“IBBI”) and critical judgements and orders passed by the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (“NCLAT”), SEBI, Supreme Court and High Court.

We have prepared a comprehensive summary for quick reference of the aforesaid updates and Judgements / orders issued during the week of January 04, 2021 to January 08, 2021.


Thank you,

Swift Team

Table of Contents




  1. SEBI issues directions regarding refund of security deposit on surrender of membership by Trading Members vide Circular dated January 06, 2021.


  1. RBI issues Directions for Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) for Large Value Transactions in Centralised Payment Systems Via Circular dated January 05, 2021


  1. IBBI notifies time period for retention of records pertaining to Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) vide Circular dated January 06, 2021



  1. NCLAT set aside the Impugned Order and remand back the matter to the Adjudicating Authority and requested to consider the Application as per provisions of IBC. 


  1. Adjudication order in respect of Mayur Developments and Leasing Limited Private Limited and in the matter of Spectacle Infotek Limited.


  1. Suit filed by the Indian Performing Right Society Limited (IPRS) was disposed of and decree was passed against the defendants.
  2. Delhi High Court dismissed the petition filed under Section 34 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, by The National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), challenging the Award of the Arbitral Tribunal


  1. Supreme Court allowed the appeal and entitled the appellant to refund the earnest money deposited with the Respondent-Port Trust

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About Swift

Swift India Corporate Services LLP (“Swift”) (Formerly known as SwiftIndiaInc Corporate Services Private Limited) established in the year 2005, is an associate entity of Nishith Desai Associates — Legal & Tax Counseling Worldwide (legal and tax consulting firm).

We are a team of professionals with rich corporate, legal and secretarial backgrounds. We are a premier corporate compliance firm that caters to the needs and demands of our global clients. Swift aims to provide quick and pragmatic corporate solutions alongside high-quality compliances.



Swift India Corporate Services LLP


Regd. Office: 91-92 B, Mittal Court, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021, India

LLPIN: AAH-4705, registered under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008

Tel +91 22 6669 5000, Fax +91 22 6669 5001

