
Swift e-Bulletin


Edition 35th 21-22

Week – November 29th to December 03rd


Quote for the week:

“If you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain”  

- Dolly Parton

We welcome you to our weekly newsletter!

The ‘Swift e-Bulletin’ - weekly newsletter, covers all regulatory updates and critical judgements passed during the week. We hope that you liked our previous editions and found it to be of great value in its content. We want this newsletter to be valuable for you so, please share your feedback and suggestions to help us improve.

Further, various regulatory authorities have been proactive in bringing significant regulatory changes in recent challenging times. This week’s newsletter covers various Circulars/notifications issued by certain regulatory authorities such as the Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) and International Financial Service Center Authority (“IFSCA”), and critical judgements and orders passed by the National Company Law Tribunal (“NCLT”) and High Court.

The Regulatory authorities provided various updates/relaxations, some of which being:

  1.  SEBI mandates Publishing of Investor Charter and disclosure of Investor Complaints by Stock Brokers on their websites
  2. IFSCA permits Investment Banking Activities in IFSC

We have prepared a comprehensive summary for quick reference of the aforesaid updates and Judgements / orders issued during the week of November 29, 2021 to December 03, 2021.


Thank you,

Swift team

Table of Contents



  1. SEBI mandates Publishing of Investor Charter and disclosure of Investor Complaints by Stock Brokers on their websites vide Circular dated December 02, 2021.. 4


  1.  IFSCA issues Clarifications on Disclosure of Dealing in Securities by Directors and Key Management Personnel (“KMP”) of all recognized Market Infrastructure Institutions (“MIIs”) in GIFT vide Circular Dated November 30, 2021
  2. IFSCA permits Investment Banking Activities in IFSC Vide Circular Dated December 03, 2021



  1. National Company Law Tribunal allows the Restoration of M/s Manish Movies Private Limited


  1. For the unauthorized use and occupation of the subject land by Airwil JKM Infracon Private Limited, the judgement was ruled in favour of Cadillac Infotech Private Limited



About Swift

Swift India Corporate Services LLP (“Swift”) (Formerly known as SwiftIndiaInc Corporate Services Private Limited) established in the year 2005, is an associate entity of Nishith Desai Associates — Legal & Tax Counseling Worldwide (legal and tax consulting firm).

We are a team of professionals with rich corporate, legal and secretarial backgrounds. We are a premier corporate compliance firm that caters to the needs and demands of our global clients. Swift aims to provide quick and pragmatic corporate solutions alongside high-quality compliances.



Swift India Corporate Services LLP


Regd. Office: 91-92 B, Mittal Court, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021, India

LLPIN: AAH-4705, registered under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008

Tel +91 22 6669 5000, Fax +91 22 6669 5001

